Friday, September 27, 2013
Answering Questions
So my question was "Why would teachers choose STEM for one of our career clusters?" Why? Because STEM is a very important role in your life and your career. You have to be able to know, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. And they teach these things in school. School gets you ready for the real world. You learn things everyday in school, you may not know it, you may think it's boring, but once you get out into the real world and you start your career, trust me you are going to wish you were still in school. Science is very important because you have to know things about your environment. You have to know what's going on. Science isn't just about testing chemicals, or experimenting on animals, or even wearing a big white coat all day. It also has to do with the weather. I mean wouldn't you like to know what the weather was like before you set up an important job interview, or maybe you are throwing a birthday party, you want to pick a good day where the weather is nice, not a stormy dull day. So Science is important. Another big factor is Technology. The way society is going know, in the near future you are going to have to learn about a lot of technology. In about maybe twenty years or so, everything is going to involve technology. And in school, that's what Computer Concepts is for! So pay attention. Also, I don't know if it goes for your school as well but in my school there is a extracurricular activity, I think it's called wood shop or something like that, that has to do with technology. Engineering, let's move onto that. We all know someone who drives a car but doesn't know anything about the car they are driving. And believe me, I know a person, because that person is me as well. Some of you think "Well, that's what guys are for?" Well, that's true, but what if you're driving alone and you break down, AND you don't have any money to have someone fix your car. So I think girls have to learn how to fix cars as well, because that's important. But engineering doesn't just have to be about cars. It can also involve working in a factory. There has to be maintainence there to know how to be able to fix a machine. It's a hard job, believe me, I've seen it with my own eyes when my dad took me on a tour at his job. Engineering means everything around you, like when you're on your cell phone, the people that made that phone, they're also Engineers. Mathematics, math is especially important, because everything around you involves math. Shopping, putting gas into your car and trying to figure out how much money you have and how much you can afford, just things like that. A lot of people may not know this, but you use math every single day of your life. So math is a very important thing in your life. So pay attention in school!!!
Monday, September 23, 2013
What Careers Are You Thinking About?
There are a lot of different careers to chose from, and if you're like me, not knowing which one to chose, I will help you with that, along with myself.Now we all know that sometimes in maybe the first or second grade chose what we wanted to grow up to be. I still remember that moment, I wanted to be a nurse. Well, as I grew up I learned a lot of things about being a nurse. Being a nurse is a tough job, for about a year or two I kept telling myself that I would never meet their standards to being a nusre.
Just a couple years ago, I decided I wanted to stick to my career choice and be a nurse. The one thing I wanted to do, is do research and see what they really do. And that's what you can do with your career as well!
At first, I was kind of doubtful of my career choice, I was reading all this stuff that made no sense to me. But it doesn't matter if I don't understand it now, I still have to go through college anyways.
Whatever you want for your career, don't second guess yourself, I believe if you want to do something oyu love for the rest of your life, then go at it, do it. Don't choose a career you know you won't like, or a job you absolutely hate or can't stand, you want to enjoy doing your job not wake up every morning and think "Great I have to go to work today." So it's best to chose a career that fits you.
Not only would you make great money, but you'll love doing it too!
If you don't know where to search for careers, the website I now use is called O*Net OnLine. It's easy, fast and you can learn everything about your career. You don't have to have an account or anything, unlike all the other sites now-a-days. Try it out, I promise you'll love it!
Friday, September 20, 2013
What Did I Learn?
From this weeks cluster (Law and Public Safety), I never knew that listening to different kinds of careers/jobs are important. Like simply being a Police Officer is very dangerous, helps our community, and helps keeps us safe. Now I already knew that, but what I didn't know, is what they have to face in everyday life. Angry people, chasing cars, exc. They have so much work to do, and we don't even realize it. Now, not only being a Police Officer is dangerous and what now, there are still many other careers/jobs out there that have a lot to do with safety. On this career cluster, before we even began learning about it, I thought I knew everyting and was literally questioning mysself "Why do we have to do this, if I already know everything?" But in reality, there was a lot I didn't know. So what I learned from this, was, sometimes you may think you know everything, but really, you can still learn things from it. And even if you don't want to learn about it, or think "This is so stupid, why are we even doing this?" Realy think about what else you can learn about that subject that you never knew about it, and I guarentee you will look back and say "I didn't know that! I should start looking into this a little more." You think you won't, because I thought I wasn't going to either, but you will, bellieve me.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Welcome to my blog! I am going to be blogging about different careers. Discribing them, letting you know how they get the job done, what they have to do on a daily basis, what it takes to get to a certain career. On this site you will learn everything there could be about a career or job you are interested in. I hope you enjoy!
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