Today we are dealing with Construction and Arceticture. The job I specifically picked was an Aircraft Structure Assistant, because I felt like that was a cool and interesting career to do, right? Well what they mainly do is they assemble, fasten, fit and install parts to an airplane. Now at first I thought "Well, that's not to hard." But I kept on reading, and I got see read on about what kind of tools they use, and they use tools that I don't even know about. Like a reamer? i still have no idea what that is.
Construction and Arcetic has to do a lot with the world today. Haven't you noticed that sometimes when you're driving and there is some sort of huge line, whether a crash happened, or maybe poeple are fiving up the road. Well weather is has to do with a crash or not, they are doing construction work.
Houses, skyscrapers, schools, restaraunts, all of that has to do with construction. Another job that involves big construction is being a Boilermaker, now a Boilermaker has everything to do with buildings and that kind of stuff. Almost everything around you is made or built by a Boilermaker. And how do I know this? Because my step dad is one, and he always tells my sister, mom, and myself stories. Some Boilermakers travel a lot, and that's what my step dad does. He's in Alaska right now, so sometimes they won't be home for a long time.
There are still a lot of jobs out there that involve Construction, and of course Arcetic. So if you're interested with that kind of stuff, I would really look into it.
Really nice post. Be sure to proofread before you post! Nicely done.